Gilpin - Clear Creek Home
& Landowners Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 237 - Idaho Springs, CO 80452


Personal Wildfire Protection Plan
Pine Beetle Mitigation


2012-02-26 Section Boss Proposal
Article Intro

Over the years a number of excellent articles have been written with the York Gulch community as the target audience.
Most of these articles were created by the prior webmasters for the site: Bill Sanders and Marci Bowman.  They provide good information on subjects such as emergency preparedness, pine beetle mitigation, and noxious weeds - just to name a few.
However, because some of these may be getting dated and because moving all of them is almost too much of a task, instead of immediately trying to move all existing articles, the entire prior home owners web site and its contents is still available via the archive link at the left.
Other links to the left provide access to either newer articles or those articles that have been moved from the older site to this newer incarnation.

If you're interested in writting an article for the home owners that you feel may be of benefit, please email the  .
Similarly, if there's something you'd like to see, email or contact me and maybe I can find someone to write about it.

I may have to refuse articles not appropriate for site publication.
If you have an idea and aren't sure, please ask me first.


Roxys Grfx

© 1999-2017 by Gilpin-Clear Creek Home and Landowners Association
All rights reserved.
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