Gilpin - Clear Creek Home
& Landowners Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 237 - Idaho Springs, CO 80452




2017 YG HOA Road Base Project Application


July 22 - CCC Planning Commission Work Session for Renewable Energy
July 2 - CWPP & Updated Site
May 20 - Pisgah Fence
Gilpin-Clear Creek Home and Landowners Association Mail - Fence Building at Pisgah Parking Lot - Volunteers Sought
Gilpin-Clear Creek Home and Landowners Association Mail Curtis DePoyster <curtis@yorkgulch.com>

Fence Building at Pisgah Parking Lot - Volunteers Sought

< > Wed, May 20, 2009 at 9:35 AM
Hi Yorkies,

asked that I forward the following along to the neighborhood.  Please RSVP to (a forwarding address to protect his true email).

This FRIDAY, May22, 9am.
Our ranger, Brant, is asking for our help.
We are building a buck & Rail fence across the Pisgah Parking lot.
This should keep the ATVers out of some wilderness and maybe cut back on some of the constant gunFIRE!!!!!
RSVP. Let us know so that we can prepare w a number.
hks, Saddle dome.


York Gulch (GCCHLA) Webmaster
Hm: 303 567-2528

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