Creek Home and Landowners Association - Email
Community Wildfire Protection
Plan request and updated site
1 message
| Thu, Jul
2, 2009 AM
| | Hi Yorkies,
off, I'm in the process of updating the York Gulch web site.
A request from
has prompted me to go ahead publish
the site (same address of www.yorkgulch.com).
Because the original site contained so much information (that I can't
possibly replace in good time), I've retained it and it can be accessed
from the new home page or directly at www.yorkgulch.com/index.htm
Please email me with any suggestions or corrections you may
have. I will, over time, continue to migrate prior articles
and get the minutes and other sections updated and enhanced.
to the main purpose of this email; At the annual picnic/meeting, John
Chapman asked folks to to help prioritize the mitigation actions listed
in Chapter 5, Table 8 of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (June
15th draft) created for the Fall River Watershed. The
document has been posted on the www.yorkgulch.com site at the
following location: CWPP Document
has requested
that people in the neighborhood
contact him to provide their prioritizations of the items in the table
or to add their own additional actions/items. Matt can be
emailed at the following address:
He'd like to get the information back by July 12th so that the document
can be finished up and presented to the County and State.
-- Thanks,
Gulch (GCCHLA) Webmaster Hm: 303 567-2528
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