Gilpin - Clear Creek Home
& Landowners Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 237 - Idaho Springs, CO 80452

Official Stuff 

GCCHLA Board Members List
Colorado Senate Bill 05-100
Dues and Fees
Why We Have Forest Service Permits
Forest Service Permit

Colorado Secretary of State  

Articles of Incorporation
Certificate of Good Standing


General Info
2015 Financial Statement
2006 Budget
GCCHLA Dues and Fees
Annual Dues and Fees


The association's financial year matches the calendar year.  That is it begins January 1st and ends on December 31st.  Dues are usually requested in or near the last quarter of the year for the year to which the membership dues apply (it's just easiest to track this way).

The current (very reasonable) dues amount is $50.00.

Membership dues are mandatory if you access your property via York Gulch road as stipulated in the minutes of June 23, 2007.

Dues cover association costs common to the majority of the properties in the York Gulch area.  Primarily these costs are:

The annual financial statement provides the past year's costs.

Emergency Fund

The emergency fund is used for unusual occurences where the board of directors finds a need for funding to help ensure the wellbeing of the neighborhood. As an example, the emergency fund was last used to help clear some of the neighborhood roads during the blizzards and drifting that occurred back in December/January of 2006/2007.

So long as the emergency fund bank balance is at an adequate level, additional donations are not requested. More likely, additional donations are requested after the fund has been depleted in order to "recharge" for the next unexpected occurence.

Payment Methods

Checks for dues and emergency fund may be made out and sent to

P.O. Box 237
Idaho Springs, CO 80452

Or, payments may be made via PayPal using the Donate button below:

© 1999-2017 by Gilpin-Clear Creek Home and Landowners Association
All rights reserved.
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