Gilpin - Clear Creek Home
& Landowners Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 237 - Idaho Springs, CO 80452

Official Stuff 

GCCHLA Board Members List
Colorado Senate Bill 05-100
Dues and Fees
Why We Have Forest Service Permits
Forest Service Permit

Colorado Secretary of State  

Articles of Incorporation
Certificate of Good Standing


General Info
2015 Financial Statement
2006 Budget
Financial Information

Financial Information


The majority of the HOA financial activities are the responsibility of the board elected treasurer.  These responsibilities include (but are not limited to) dues collection, financial statement creation, budget creation, income tax filing, paying of insurance premiums, and annual incorporation renewal with the state of Colorado.

Important Dates

Fiscal Year: The Gilpin/Clear Creek Home and Landowners Association (GCCHLA) has a fiscal year matching the calendar year.  Each fiscal year starts on January 1st of the year and ends on December 31st of the same year.

Membership Dues: Membership dues are typically solicited/requested in the last quarter of the year for which the dues apply.

Income Tax Filing: Taxes for the prior year are filed annually by the March 15th IRS deadline.  Note: The HOA is non-profit, but it is not tax exempt.

Incorporation Filing with the State of Colorado: Annual incorporation renewal filing is due every year on May 1st (???).

Insurance Renewal: The GCCHLA insurance premiums are due annually on or about the 7th day of August.  The insurance is currently provided by Travellers Insurance under policy #4806EA071.

Roxys Grfx

© 1999-2017 by Gilpin-Clear Creek Home and Landowners Association
All rights reserved.
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