GCCHLA MEETING August 2, 2007


Location: Curtis & Tina DePoyster residence


Time: 7:00PM


Adjourned:  9:00PM


Attendees (Board Members):


DePoyster, Curtis & Tina

Gallaher, Dave & Judy

Huntoon, Heather

Stahl, Dave- Alternate 

Taylor, Matt & Missy

VanGeet, Otto

Vogt, Jim & Stephanie

Wandrey, Craig


Next Meeting: The next meeting is our annual meeting, to be held in September.


Road Report:  An estimate for grading & culvert installation was received from Ryan McHale.  It was voted to accept the estimate unless another bid is received that is less than McHale’s bid.


It was suggested that we consider passing a resolution to identify points of access for all landlocked properties within GCCHLA boundaries.


Master Plan: Heather Huntoon located a 1996 York Gulch Area Master Plan that might provide input on future roadway issues.


Setback Resolution: A resolution/ request introduced by Dave Stahl to limit county setbacks and right-of-ways to 15-feet from the centerline of USFS and BLM roads was approved.  The resolution/ request will be forwarded to the Clear Creek County Board of Commissioners.


Community Mailboxes:  It was voted to select the firehouse as the preferred location to install mailboxes.  It was also voted to limit initial purchase and installation costs to $3000.00.  These costs will be recovered as residents purchase individual boxes.


Mandatory Association Membership & Dues:  It was voted to advance mandatory association dues to a final vote at our annual meeting in September.  All private landowners within the GCCHLA boundary will be able to vote on this matter at the annual meeting.  If approved, all landowners within existing GCCHLA boundaries would be required to remit the annual GCCHLA membership fee currently set at $50.00.


2007 Officers:


Treasurer: DePoyster, Curtis

Secretary: Stahl, Dave

Vice President: Beckel, Laurie

President: Huntoon, Heather