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GCCHLA Board Meeting

July 13, 2001

The regular GCCHLA Board meeting was held July 13 at 7 p.m. at the York Gulch Fire Station. The following GCCHLA members were present:
Dan & Heidi Nanto
Paul & Kelley Cordell
Don Waggoner
Marci Bowman / Bill Sanders
Dave Gallaher
John Woodside
Carroll "Curley" Lewis
Larry & Yvonne Kramer
Kathleen Krebs-Gaubatz
Damon Ardourel / Sharon Georgi-Ardourel
Lisa Haley
Craig Wandrey
Garry & Gail Sams
Bob Doane
Laury Temple / Len Sanders
Darrell & Heather Huntoon
Chris Johnson.

Business Meeting

Meeting was called to order by GCCHLA President Dave Gallaher.

Minutes were presented from the May 22, 2001 Board Meeting. They were approved as published.

Yvonne gave the treasurer's report:
GCCHLA checking/savings:     $1,516.42 / $6,596.09
Fire Dept.:     $7,958.05

Old Business

York Gulch Fire Department

Fire Chief Kathleen Krebs-Gaubatz reported we have two new members of the YG fore Dept., Jacob Hayes & Brian Oppenheimer. She reminded everyone that we desperately need volunteer fire persons.

We now have electricity at the firehouse, and the pump and septic are working.

The late Steve Peters' locker has been permanently sealed, in honor of the many years of service he gave to the YG Fire Department.

Kathleen suggested everyone buy a large container of baking soda to use on leaking solar storage batteries.

Kathleen reminded everyone the Fire Department needs a simple floor plan from every homeowner to have on file at the firehouse. Especially important is the location of the batteries. In addition, show information about any external on/off switch you may have. Fire suppression is based on battery location. We want to have 100% compliance so your cooperation is appreciated. Send the plans to:
York Gulch Fire Department
PO Box 844
Idaho Springs CO 80452

Peters Loop Road

Dave reported that Pat Elliot painted the road signs for Peters Loop Road. Don said he and Scott can put the signs up.

Web Site Update / Telecommunications

Marci Bowman gave the report on the Association Web Site. She reported several new items on the Community Bulletin Board. She reminded everyone to include their email address on the sign-in sheet if they want to receive notices. If you have signed up, and have not received notices, check with Marci to be sure she has your correct email address.

County takeover of Association Roads

Dave reported that the county's bid to take over USFS roads is still pending. We still don't know anything about the driveway permits. We are still concerned about the status of our driveway permits if the county takes over the roads. Dave explained if the roads are controlled by the county, homeowners whose driveways cross USFS land may have to pay their own permit fees.

Central City Update

Dave reported the Central City Southern Access Road is stalled. According to the local newspaper that is not "owned by city hall", the Register Call, none of the bonds have been sold. The newspaper says the city must resolve some environmental impact issues before the bonds can be offered for sale. They said this could take up to two years. They report there is no repay guarantee which makes the bonds very risky.

The Matavi recall dispute is in the DA's office at least until the November election.

Association Insurance

Dave reported the best rate he could find was one million dollars coverage for $1026 a year. Did we vote????

New Business

Wildlife Updates

Chris Johnson reported the Redtail Ridge bear broke into his shed, where is garbage is stored, a few nights ago. The bear managed to drag trash all over the hillside before Chris scared him away.

Unlike some other areas, our bears are not missing the acorns since we don't have scrub oak in the first place. Unfortunately, at least one bear has a taste for garbage and continues to be a nuisance.

Bristle Cone Pine - bug or fungus?

Dave mentioned an apparent disease in the local Bristle cone pine. We will invite the local USFS representative to our September Annual meeting to discuss the problem, and possible solutions.

Mule Deer Lane Dispute

Dave reported that the county commissioners decided to undefine access procedure to claims. He reported on a recent commission decision which seemed to indicate there is no set county policy on defining road access to claims.

Apparently despite the fact that Clear Creek Mausey obtained a sub-division permit and changed claim priorities for the claims they sold, the company never bothered to plot or survey any roads with the county or the Forest Service. Where historic roads did not exist, it appears Mausey created "roads" by simply driving over them a few times with a four wheel drive.

The commissioners did not want to become involved in non-historic road disputes. When it became clear that Mule Deer Lane stopped at Eagle-Falcon on pre 1970 historic maps, and that the road had been created by Clear Creek Mausey to access claims they were selling, but never approved by the USFS or the county, the commissioners declined to get involved.

Resolving undefined access claims - the County's role

There was a brief discussion of the County's role in determining road access. It appears that the Commissioners are only defining historic access roads such as those created at an undetermined date, maybe prior to 1950??? or prior to the formation of the USFS. Roads created more recently, but not plated with the county, are not included.

In addition, the new County Attorney seemed lukewarm about the entire historic road concept in sharp contrast to the previous County Attorney.

Dave suggested that property is assessed for access, and then not assessed for access and the county needs to come up with a consistent policy. This is especially important if the County takes over the roads.

Road Committee Report

Larry Kramer reported the County is considering creating a double loop of roads that it would maintain. The loops would consisting of York Gulch to Alpine to Old Stage, and York Gulch to Redtail Ridge to Chinook Road.

Chinook Road is the main thing stopping the plan. When the County took over the BLM lands, Chinook became a County road, and Chinook is too narrow to maintain. The County is not sure what to do about the present state of the road.

Road Status - when to grade

Larry reported the Association road grading takes place in October. There was a brief discussion as to why October was chosen. We also need to determine which roads need to be graded since several roads have added a number of residents in the last year, and may now need maintenance when they did not in the past. There was a brief discussion as to which roads might need to be graded, and what the criteria might be.

Larry reminded everyone to contact road boss Charlie Koopman if they need their driveway graded. Individuals are responsible for the cost, but when the grading is done along with the Association project, the cost is greatly reduced.

Incorporation Committee Report

Dave reported we are still waiting on Lower Fall River Association to decide if they want to join Solar, do nothing or possibly form their own city. He explained that we can only hold the election in even numbered years due to the Tabor Amendment (the city would cause an increase in taxes), so the election cannot be held until next year.

Claims Access Committee

Dave showed a map with Historic Road access to most claims. Committee chairman Damon Ardourel expressed frustration with finding access to the remaining claims. Dave said we are still trying to get the concept blessed by the county and the Forest Service.

Small Tract Act

Dave said Phase I of the Small Tract purchase has began. The applications are in, and notifications to affected property owners should be sent soon.

By law, USFS is supposed to notify all adjacent claim owners, but if a claim has been sold, the new owner may or may not be notified. If the new owner does not receive notification, he may have legal remedy to prevent the sale. Dave suggested everyone who is buying Small Tract land be sure all owners have been notified, and that they are in agreement. He suggested notarized letters from all surrounding claim owners could prevent serious problems in the future.

Small Tract Act Meeting

Laury Temple said there are an increasing number of Canadian Thistle which is considered a noxious weed. She has been pulling them up, and requested help in destroying more of the weeds. There was a brief discussion of alternative methods of removal. Someone suggested cutting off the flowers. Kathleen suggested spraying a small amount of gasoline on the weed which would kill it quickly and not damage adjacent plants.

New Road Surface

There was a discussion about the new road surface, fondly known as the Teriyaki Sauce. Kathleen reported it is a byproduct of the sugar industry, is biodegradable, and seems to be better and cheaper than the petroleum-based Pensupress. The product has done a good job of stabilizing the roads. Some people complained it was quite difficult to remove from their cars when it was first applied to the road.

Nominating Committee

Dave appointed Marci Bowman and Yvonne Kramer to act as a nominating committee when no one else volunteered.

Next Meeting

The Annual meeting will be Saturday, September 15 at the Firehouse. Potluck begins at 11:30 a.m. and the business meeting begins at 1p.m.
Rev. 10-Aug-01
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