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GCCHLA Minutes
Board Meeting September 9, 2000

The Annual Home and Land owner Board meeting was held September 9 at 12:30 p.m. at the Firehouse. The following GCCHLA members and guests signed in:
  JoAnn Sorensen County Commissioner
Tim Allen Clear Creek Land Use
Undersheriff Bill Bridenburg
Curtis & Tina DePoyster
Jim & Sheri Avramidis
Dan & Cathy Carlson
Marci Bowman & Bill Sanders
Dave Gallaher
Carolyn Kennedy
Otto VanGeet
Robin & Linda Dunn
Mark Fowler
Larry & Yvonne Kramer
Pat Lippincott
Rusty & Jody Stewart
Laury Temple & Len Sanders
Charlie Koopman
Annette Ewers
Brian & Lisa Haley
Eric & Lynn Steven
Bob & Carol Doane
Todd & Amina Morrison
Craig Wandrey
Scott Shaefer
Paul & Kelly Cordell
Tim Wheeler
Arlan Crane
Jim & Stephanie Vogt
Wayne & Judy Hayes

The Secretary apologizes for the brevity of this month's minutes. The written notes were accidentally picked up by someone else after the meeting during the cleanup, so the Secretary is relying on her very faulty memory and the even faultier memory of her better half.

Invited Speakers

Commissioner JoAnn Sorensen
Amendment 21
She strongly urged those attending to vote against Amendment 21, the so called Tax Cut Amendment. Sorensen explained how the law would impact Clear Creek County, taking $25 each year from EACH of nearly a dozen small districts. This law would wipe out the budgets for many of the smaller districts in a few years. These districts include the library where most services would have to be cut back or eliminated, solid waste where they are already having a difficult time keeping employees due to the low wages, and emergency services district where services are already stretched thin due to growth in the county. A brief discussion followed.

Amendment 24
Commissioner Sorensen said she is not taking a position on Amendment 24, but said she feels Clear Creek is not allowing the type of sprawl that is being addressed by the amendment. A discussion followed about current proposed developments, and what the county is requiring from the developers.

Proposed Home Rule
Commissioner Sorensen said the County Commissioner's main concern is whether the City of Solar would be able to provide services. A discussion followed.

Tim Allen - Land Use & Planning
Tim Allen gave an update to the ongoing discussions between the County and the Forest Service concerning the possible takeover of Forest Service Roads. He said there are still issues to be worked out, but the county is trying to obtain easements for various roads from the Forest Service. Most York Gulch roads would be included. In answer to a question about county maintenance on the roads, Allen answered the level would be about what it is now from the Forest Service. (Which is none.) The county would continue to maintain York Gulch Road as far as Old Stage.

Undersheriff Bill Bridenburg
Sheriff Bridenburg discussed the current problem of retention of personnel due to low salaries and benefit. He pointed out that Amendment 21 would only increase the problem.

Bridenburg reported that an additional supervisor has been added for the 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. period when most calls take place.

In response to questions, he explained the laws regarding discharge of firearms and limits to hunting near occupied structures and roads.

Business Meeting

Minutes were presented from the July 11, 2000 meeting. The minutes were approved as published.

Yvonne Kramer gave the Treasurer's report:
   GCCHLA checking & Svg:  $7679.34
   YG Fire Dept.:  $7298.02

Yvonne explained the problems that occur with the budget when property owners fail to pay the road fees. She outlined the costs of road maintenance, and explained the Association could not do a satisfactory job unless more people pay the road fees, which are unfortunately voluntary.

Old Business

Web Site
Dave thanked Bill Sanders for all his work on the GCCHLA Web site. Bill reminded everyone the URL for the Web page is http://www.scribble-count.com/GCCHLA. He said anyone with information they want made available to everyone else should contact him. He also said anyone wanting experience in creating Web pages is welcome to help. Marci reminded everyone with email addresses that notices are sent out to that list. If you want to be added or removed, please contact Bill or Marci.

Pine Beetle Status
Bill reported that in all less than a dozen trees had to be cut and treated. He thanked Chris Johnson for his help with trees in the Red Tail Ridge area and the northern group for taking charge of trees near Old Stage and Big Meadow. These include Otto VanGeet, Jeff & Laurie Beckel, and Don Devore. We are not sure who did what work on the northern trees, and are sorry if we missed anyone.

Small Tracts Act - Group Status
Dave said the application has been submitted to the Forest Service, and that according to Sue Greenlea, the process of purchasing is expected to take at least one year to just get started. It should take considerably less than the five to six years it normally takes. We will also be given special consideration due to the size of the group.

Roads: Who's in charge? - Driveways?
The road committee report was given by Larry Kramer and Tim Allen. Since Tim had already given a report on the current status of County negotiations with the Forest Service, he reported that driveway permits will probably continue to be handled by the County, as they are now.

Kramer and JoAnn Sorensen reported on the current status of the extension of Consolidated Ditch Road. Several issues were present when deciding to reopen lower Consolidated Ditch Road. First, historically the road had been used for several years as a toll road and was not just a wagon trail to one mining claim. Secondly, the owner of the Cleveland had not been given a building permit to build in the middle of the road as originally claimed. He had changed the survey to not show the road at all when applying for the permit. Lastly, the possible vacation of the road in the early eighties by previous owners of Craig Wandrey's house could not be documented. The old records are not on computer, and are not easily searchable without a more precise time frame.

Fire Department - Needs Volunteers!
Dave reminded everyone of the dire need of volunteers by the York Gulch Fire Department. Kathleen Krebs will continue for the short term to act as Fire Chief, but she is no longer living in the Gulch and maintaining the equipment is a burden for her.

New Business and Reports

Mapping Presentation
Dave Gallaher gave a computerized presentation showing the boundaries of the proposed town of Solar, and indicating the included claims.

Incorporation Committee Report
Mark Fowler summarized the arguments for and against formation of a Home Rule city. He made two major points.

He acknowledged that other Colorado case law indicated that it may not be possible (or even likely) to stop construction of the pipeline because it is a public utility; but we can probably greatly influence construction standards (noise abatement, etc.) – and that no entity besides a home rule city could.

The second major point he made was that, as a city, we could regulate the use of any land Central City obtained in a swap with the USFS.

Association Insurance
Dave said one of the things he learned from his work on Solar City was the necessity of getting liability insurance. A committee was formed to study the costs to the association.

Gambling Cities' South Access
Dave reported that Black Hawk is now talking about building a tunnel from I 70 near Floyd Hill to the 119 interchange to compete with Central's southern access road. Commissioner Sorensen expressed concern about the increased traffic on the stretch of two-lane I 70 that already has a high accident rate.

Realtor Signs
Dave said several Realtors have been very upset about our no direction sign policy. Discussion centered around the need for some way to be sure permission was actually granted by the property owner, and not just a verbal OK from a passing hiker It was moved and seconded that we change the policy so that a directional sign may be placed off the actual property if the Realtor has obtained written permission from the land owner. The motion passed.

Colorado Dept of Forestry - Wildfire & Defensible Space
Brochures from the Colorado Department of Forestry on Wildfire & Defensible space were handed out. There was a sign up sheet for a possible half day seminar on things to do to improve your house's chances in case of a wildfire. (We did not get enough interest.)

Election Results

The following people were elected to the GCCHLA Board of Directors:
  Larry & Yvonne Kramer
Otto & Kelly VanGeet
Chris & Gail Johnson
Mark & Beth Fowler
Marci Bowman & Bill Sanders
Brian & Lisa Haley
Jeff & Laurie Beckel
Don Wagner
Darrell & Heather Huntoon
Lynn Butler & Hicks
Dave & Judy Gallaher.

New Members

Several new members were introduced.

Next Meeting

The next Board Meeting will be October 24 at the Fire House at 7:30 p.m.
Rev. 13-May-00
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