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GCCHLA Minutes
Board Meeting September 15, 2001

The Annual GCCHLA meeting was held September 15 at 7 p.m. at the York Gulch Fire Station. The following GCCHLA members were present:
Rusty & Jody Stewart
Paul & Kelley Cordell
Otto & Kelly VanGeet
Marci Bowman / Bill Sanders
Dave Gallaher
Mike & Esther Luce
Chris & Gail Johnson
Arlan Crane
Kathleen Krebs-Gaubatz
Lisa & Brian Haley
Charlie Koopman
Tim Wheeler
Beth & Mark Fowler
Ray & Carol Lynch
Robert Kiarsis / Amy Karshbaum
Craig Wandrey
Garry & Gail Sams
Bob & Carol Doane
Laury Temple / Len Sanders
Jeff & Laurie Beckel
John & Julie Andrews
Jeff & Jeanne Carlson
Guy Reano
Jay Landt
Todd & Amina Morrison.

Invited Speakers

JoAnn Sorensen County Commissioner
JoAnn updated us on the status of possible County takeover of USFS Roads. She said the delay is due to Tim Allen's promotion to supervisor of Roads & Bridges. She said his replacement has not yet met with the USFS.

She discussed the question of the November ballot concerning Noxious Weed Control. She explained the measure will add a .53 mil levy to fund a technician and weed boss to identify infestations and attack noxious weeds which are becoming a serious problem in the county.

JoAnn described the new National Fire Prevention Plan. It is starting in the areas south of I-70, around Idaho Springs and Floyd Hill. This is the first year of a three year plan. The county is encouraging local input as to what projects would be helpful. A wood chipper program has been approved and is in its early stages.

JoAnn outlined a number of county planning efforts and concerns:
  • Planning regarding gaming access - JoAnn discussed the plan presented by Black Hawk to cut a tunnel through to I-70. This would effectively make the Southern Access Road by Central City worthless.

    JoAnn and others discussed the present status of the Central City Southern Access Road. Ross Grimes was quoted in the Gilpin County paper as saying the city could no longer afford to build the Southern Access Road since they were unable to acquire some of the land along the road for development.

  • Bert Weaver is in charge of Clear Creek Planning for the possible Access Road. His area of activity includes York Gulch. He will need local input and participation. A meeting will be scheduled in 30 to 60 days.

JoAnn expressed the hope that Central City and Black Hawk can work together to provide needed roads and water. Central is selling its water rights to meet basic expenses.

Stuart Nay, Clear Creek County Sheriff's Department
Stuart Nay discussed various concerns of residents such as the upcoming hunting season. He said since much of the Gulch is National Forest, hunting is legal. He did list limitations such as not being on private property, or firing near houses or roads.

He also discussed the problem of 4 wheel and all terrain vehicles. He said all vehicles MUST have valid license plates on any county road. He said to call 303 569-3232 if there are problems with these vehicles.

Mary Ann Chambers USFS
Mary Ann Chambers of the USFS Fire Reduction Program spoke about the program in general, and about the upcoming prescribed burn near Columbine Campground. The project is known as the Santa Fe Fuels Reduction Project. She explained that there are 32 million acres in Colorado with a high rate of fuel loading that is considered at high fire risk.

The Columbine Campground burn is mainly in Gilpin county. She explained there are two methods of fuel reduction. One is contracting out cutting & thinning of forest areas. The other is prescribed burns of grass areas where fires often start.

There was a brief discussion about safety measures taken for prescribed burns. She handed out a questionnaire to express any comments or concerns. She can be reached at 970 494-2713. She also refered to Allan Gallmore (sp?) Who will work with homeowners about future projects.

Laura Nay County Roads & Bridges Emergency Management
Laura Nay is in charge of Roads & Bridges Emergency Management, and can be reached at 303 567-4577. She said the various projects she handled included flooding, falling rocks, and fire mitigation. The current project focus is on thinning trees, and providing a wood chipper to help dispose of the wood.

Nay said the wood chipper will take up to 6" branches and can be gotten through the fire department. She suggested the homeowners get together, thin trees and sign up for the chopper.

Business Meeting

The Annual Meeting was called to order by GCCHLA President Dave Gallaher.

Minutes were presented from the July 13, 2001 Board Meeting. They were approved as published.

Treasurer, Yvonne Kramer, was not able to attend. Dave gave the treasurer's report:
GCCHLA checking/savings: $1472.92 / $6491.09
Fire Dept.: $8095.12
Expenses include insurance, printing and postage.

Old Business

York Gulch Fire Department
Fire Chief Kathleen Krebs-Gaubatz reported we have two new members of the YG fore Dept., Jacob Hayes & Bill Sanders. She reminded everyone that we desperately need volunteer fire persons.

We now have electricity at the firehouse, and the pump and septic are working.

She mentioned again that the late Steve Peters' locker has been permanently sealed, in honor of the many years of service he gave to the YG Fire Department.

Kathleen reminded everyone the Fire Department needs a simple floor plan from every homeowner to have on file at the firehouse. Especially important is the location of the batteries. In addition, show information about any external on/off switch you may have. Fire suppression is based on battery location. We want to have 100% compliance so your cooperation is appreciated. Send the plans to:
York Gulch Fire Department
PO Box 844
Idaho Springs CO 80452

Web Site Update
Bill Sanders gave the report on the Association Web Site. He reminded everyone about the Community Bulletin Board. Marci Bowman reminded everyone to include their email address on the sign-in sheet if they want to receive notices. If you have signed up, and have not received notices, check with Marci to be sure she has your correct email address.

County Takeover of Association Roads
Dave reported that the county's bid to take over USFS roads is stalled due to Tim Allen's promotion. We still don't know anything about the driveway permits. We are still concerned about the status of our driveway permits if the county takes over the roads. Dave explained if the roads are controlled by the county, homeowners whose driveways cross USFS land may have to pay their own permit fees.

Central City Update
Dave reported the Central City Southern Access Road is stopped. Central has no money, and various legal problems have stalled the road, and cost too much money. There was a brief discussion about what that affect this would have on their use of Eureka / York Gulch Road.

The Matavi recall dispute is in the DA's office at least until the November election.

Dave reported the incorporation action is still on hold. We are still in discussion with Lower Fall River, and a vote cannot be taken until next year anyway. Dave said he has been working on the documents, and that they will be ready for next year's time frame.

Claim Access
Dave reported that currently Forest Service easements are taking about 2 years. The small tract purchases have been delayed until next year due to Sue Greenlee's transfer. Future purchases will probably take another two years to start again, since Sue's job is not being filled, and she will have to work on the project form Boulder.

New Business

Raising Rates and/or Mandatory Dues
A brief discussion took place with no action taken. Several people made comments in the vein of "if you ain't pulling your oar, you're dead weight in the boat." Unfortunately since the vast majority of people who attend the Annual meeting are members, we are pretty much preaching to the choir.

Growth in York Gulch (What issues / problems will come up?)
Marci brought up several issues that people have mentioned to her, mostly caused by the increase in homes and people in the area:
  • Party Signs - she reminded people to remove party signs the day after the party, especially if you use balloons, since they can be harmful to wildlife.

  • Construction Equipment - She pointed out that since a large amount of construction is taking place on several roads in the Gulch, it is necessary that people not park large construction equipment on the side of the road. The roads are narrow, and it can be difficult if not impossible for other people's construction equipment to get by. Sometimes it can be difficult to larger cars and trucks to get by.

  • General Noise - There have been several complaints about noisy generators running every evening. If your solar system is old or non-existent, please put your generator in a sound proof shed.

"Colorado Matters"
Marci mentioned that a new radio program has been started on the Denver NPR (National Public Radio) station. She suggested that we try to come up with a theme for a program to get publicity for the renewable energy in area. She said getting people who are interested in alternative energy issues to buy property is better that getting people who simply want to find land, throw up a cabin and a generator.

Goodbye to Don Waggoner (Some people will do anything to avoid VP duties)
Dave reported Don Waggoner has his property under contract, and is moving to the Western slope. The Association thanked Don for all his hard work, especially all the road plowing he had done over the years.

Resolving Undefined Access Claims - the County's Role
Dave reported on the current status of the conflict over Mule Deer Trail extention.

There was a brief discussion of the County's role in determining road access. It appears that the Commissioners are only defining historic access roads such as those created at an undetermined date, maybe prior to 1950??? or prior to the formation of the USFS. Roads created more recently, but not platted with the county, are not included.

Dave said the Access committee (Damon) is continuing to try to define reasonable access to as many claims as possible.

Road Committee Report
Larry Kramer was unable to attend the meeting. Dave reported Renaud will grade the roads in mid-October. A driveway sign up sheet was passed around.

Colorado State Infrastructure Loans
Dave described a state program for low interest loans that possible could be used for road improvement. The loans are only available to a taxing district, so we would need to be incorporated.

Other Concerns
Kathleen Krebs said the county should reinstall the guard rail at Chinook and York Gulch. The guard rail was knocked down during county maintenance and never replaced. Kathleen expressed concern about roll over accidents due to increased speeds and road usage.

Gail Johnson asked who was responsible for the sand barrels at the bottom of York Gulch near Fall River Road. She pointed out that the barrels are rusted out and contain very little sand. She said that portion of the road is often slick, and sand really helps. Dave said he thought the county was responsible, and would follow up.

New Members
Several new members were introduced. The secretary did not get all the names, so won't try to list them here.

New Board Members
The newly elected board members are:
Arlan Crane, Dave & Judy Gallaher, Bill Sanders & Marci Bowman, Jeff & Laurie Bickel, Bob & Carol Doane, Kelly & Otto VanGeet, Brian & Lisa Haley, Larry & Yvonne Kramer, Brian Oppenheimer, Lynn Butler & John Hicks, Chris & Gail Johnson. Alternates are Mike & Esther Luce, and Craig Wandrey.

Next Meeting

The next board meeting will be held in November so that Dave can find out more about what Lower Fall River plans to do. The meeting will be held Tuesday, November 13, 7 p.m., at the home of Bill Sanders and Marci Bowman at 110 Mule Deer Trail.
Rev. 22-Oct-01
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