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GCCHLA Board Meeting

April 10, 2001

The regular GCCHLA Board meeting was held April 10 at 7 p.m. at the home of Darryl and Heather Huntoon. The March meeting was postponed due to weather. The following GCCHLA members were present:

Mark & Beth Fowler
Don Waggoner
Marci Bowman / Bill Sanders
Dave & Judy Gallaher
Mike & Esther Luce
Paul & Kelley Cordell
Darrell & Heather Huntoon
Scott Schaeffer
Otto Van Geet
John & Julie Andrews
Craig Wandrey
Brad Kowalleski
Rusty Stewart
Carol& Bob Doane
Chris Johnson
Lisa Haley

Business Meeting

Meeting was called to order by GCCHLA President Dave Gallaher.

Minutes were presented from the January 22, 2001 Board Meeting. They were approved as published.

Dave gave the treasurer's report as Yvonne Kramer was not able to attend:
    GCCHLA checking/savings: $1,501 / $6,391
Y G Fire Dept.: $7,874

Old Business

York Gulch Fire Department
Dave Gallaher reminded everyone the Fire Department needs a simple floor plan from every homeowner to have on file at the firehouse. Especially important is the location of the batteries. In addition, show information about any external on/off switch you may have. Fire suppression is based on battery location. We want to have 100% compliance so your cooperation is appreciated. Send the plans to:
York Gulch Fire Department
PO Box 844
Idaho Springs CO 80452

Dave reported that electricity will be brought to the firehouse very soon, and there will be no cost to the association. He reminded everyone that we desperately need volunteer fire persons.

Web Site Update / Telecommunications
Webmaster Bill Sanders gave the report on the Association Web Site. Bill reminded people about the bulletin board page, and the links to personal & business sites.
He asked people to send him any favorite Alternative Energy URLs. He will compile a list of informative sites and post it on the Web site.

Bill reported he had no further information on telecommunications from the Clear Creek Development Council.

Peters Loop Road
Dave reported that we have had problems getting the county to respond to our phone calls about changing the name to the loop road near Steve Peter's house to Peters Loop Road. Don Waggoner will continue to try to reach Jim Cannady of Clear Creek Roads and Bridges.

County takeover of Association Roads
Dave reported that the county's bid to take over USFS roads is still pending. The Forest Service now admits there are negotiations, but still doesn't know anything about the driveway permits. We are still concerned about the status of our driveway permits if the county takes over the roads. Scott Schaefer talked to Tim Allen who says he has been talking to USFS all winter, but the driveways are not yet a part of the discussion.

Hamlin Gulch Road
Scott Schaefer reported that Hamlin Gulch Road is now officially opened as a county road. The road had been very rough and was gated due to its deteriorating condition. Scott did a rough grading on the road so 4-wheel drivers would stop getting stuck. He reported he plans to keep the road in good enough condition that it can be used as an alternative route to Fall River Road. This will be particularly useful for those living in the northern portion of the Gulch.

There was a discussion of whether Hamlin Gulch Road should be added to the 4 Wheel Drive Directory as an alternative to York Gulch. Scott said he would really rather it not be listed. He felt enough people will find it on their own.

Consolidated Ditch Road
Craig Wandry reported that he is still in the midst of the county commissioner's hearing on vacating the lower portions of Consolidated Ditch Road. He said the application to vacate alone had cost $600, and that it appeared that some of the county's maps were old and incorrect which had not helped. He reported the next hearing will be held at the end of April. (If allowed to remain a public road, lower Consolidated Ditch Road lies directly behind Craig's house.)

Association Insurance Update
Dave reported the lowest bid he has been able to get for insurance is $898 per year. He is still waiting to hear on a possibly lower bid.

Central City Update
Dave reported the Central City Southern Access Road is proceeding. Latest word is that construction may start in early spring. Dave has heard bond sales are going very slowly. The recall effort against Mayor Matavi is adding a new wrinkle.

Central is trying to sell water rights in the northern area of the county. We are not sure what that means in terms of our water pipeline, but Central's financial condition appears precarious.

Marci Bowman reported that she and Bill snow shoed up the road they believed to be Peter's Loop. One corner of Eureka Valley Ranch touched on the road. This portion of Eureka Ranch is not YET annexed to Central City, but could be if they actually start development.

New Business

Map Update Presentation
Dave had a large copy of the latest county map of York Gulch area for attendees to look at. He said there were many corrections to previous maps. Claims did not change as much as roads did, but the new maps are considerably more accurate. Dave will use this new information in creating the town boundry.

Fall River Association
Dave reported that the Lower Fall River Homeowner's Association voted to continue discussion about joining the City of Solar. Their primary concern remains the Central City pipeline. They are also very concerned about the BLM land on the ridge that overlooks their properties. They felt that development of the land would cause environmental and ecological problems, and would like to try to block any future development.

Road Committee Report
Larry Kramer was unable to attend, so he gave Dave Gallaher his report. Dave said Renaud sent Larry a new rate sheet for next year with price increases. We have not had a substantial increase in several years, so this is not unexpected.

The was a brief discussion of the fact that several roads, including Pisgah, Mule Deer and Overlooked Way would probably be added to the total roads being maintained.

Incorporation Committee Report
Mark Fowler gave the Incorporation Committee report. Mark said he can no longer serve as chairman due to changes in his work schedule. He said he is willing to continue on the committee, but cannot devote as much time this year.

Dave said he is reworking the town boundaries using the new county maps. He expects to have the election this November. The increased population, due to inclusion of lower Fall River and new homes built in the Gulch, should make getting the minimum numbers of signatories and voters much easier.

I-70 PEIS Town Meeting
Dave reported that a Town Meeting will be held in Silverthorn, April 11from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel. Anyone interested in the possible widening of I-70 and the light rail should try to attend.

Claim Access Committee Report
Damon Ardourel was not present to give an update on the claim map.

Small Parcel Act
Dave reported that we are making headway with our small parcel request. He said the Forest Service is nearly ready to begin. The Forest Service is not allowing us to purchase the parcels as a large group action, however. We had hoped to consolidate the purchase so that costs such as surveys, reports and appraisals could be shared. We still may be able to consolidate some costs as the sale will be done by area, but the entire purchase cannot be coordinated.

Dave reminded us that the appraisal will be done based on possible future use. In other words, land that can be build on, even if it is presently zoned as buffer, will be appraised at a higher rate than land that realistically cannot be built on, such as very small sliver parcels. Buildable sites are considered to be over 2 acres.

Dave estimated that non-buildable parcels (due to location or size) will be priced at about $2500 an acre, and buildable land will be priced at about $10,000 an acre. He said that large parcels of land cannot be broken up. In other words, you cannot buy a sliver of land next to your property if it is part of a larger area of Forest Service land. You must buy the entire parcel.

Paul Cordell said he had heard about something called a wildlife easement. He said he believes that if the parcel is clearly worth less than $10,000, some fees including the appraisal, will be waived.

Everyone who still wants to participate in the small parcel buy needs to contact Dave with a brief description of the parcel, and the parcel number. Contact Dave with any questions.

Next Meeting

The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, May 22, 2001, 7 p.m. at the Firehouse.
Rev. 8-May-01
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