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GCCHLA Minutes
September 11, 1999

The Annual Home and Land owner meeting was held September 11 at 12:30 p.m. in the York Gulch Fire House. The following GCCHLA members signed in:
  John Andrews
Jeff & Laurie Becker
Marci Bowman / Bill Sanders
Scott & Michelle Carrington
Otto & Kelly Van Geet
Bob & Carol Doane
Mark & Beth Fowler
Larry & Yvonne Kramer
Arlan Crane
Dave Gallaher
Bob Gasch
Kathleen Krebs
Brian & Lisa Haley
Wayne & Judy Hays
Billie Street
Craig Wandrey
Tim Wheeler
Bonnie & Kerry Hess
Chris & Gail Johnson
John & Brenda Liggett
Todd & Amina Morrison
Robert & Carol Otava
Steve Peters
Martha Ramsey
Kevin Smith
Len Sanders

Invited Speakers

County Commissioners: The County Commissioners were unable to attend due to the funeral of long time Clear Creek resident, Eula Lee Guanella.

County Animal Control (Martin Gitlin): Gitlin discussed the role of the animal control department, and teaching residents to live with the wildlife. He suggested that chaining animals, particularly dogs, was like providing mountain lion bait. He said the dog provided a sort of "on the job training" for the lion and her cubs. He said a better and safer solution would be to pen the animals with a sturdy fence. If you live in a lion active area, an electric fence might be a good option.

County Sheriff's Office (Under-Sheriff Bill Bridenburg): Bridenburg discussed the possibility of a ban on the discharge of firearms in the residential areas of York Gulch if the firearm problem becomes worse. He said that other neighborhood associations have done so, and that it has been a good compromise between hunters and residents.

He also discussed the increase in off-road vehicles. He explained some of the rules involving off road driving: vehicles must stay on marked or numbered roads, and drivers must be at least 16 years of age and have a valid driver's license. He urged residents to call the sheriff's office if they see these rules being violated.

Citizens for Improved Education Facilitator (Rick Winter): Winter discussed the upcoming school bond election to be held November 2, 1999. He provided detailed handouts outlining the proposed new High School as well as remodeling and improvements on other county schools.

Winter explained the planning process that led to the choice of Floyd Hill as the optimum site for the new High school. He explained the need for a new school, since the current school is becoming overcrowded, and there is simply no place to expand. He also discussed much needed improvements to the other schools in the county.

Winter explained that the additional property tax on a home valued at $100,000 would be $110.94 a year, or less than $10 a month.

Business Meeting

Minutes were presented from the July 22, 1999 meeting. The minutes were approved as published.

Yvonne Kramer gave the Treasurer's report:
   GCCHLA checking: $1176.87
   GCCHLA savings: $7857.30
   Fire Dept.: $6444.67
Yvonne explained the Association expenses, and showed a projected budget for 1999-2000. If more people would pay Association dues and road fees, we could grade the road more than once a year. We are trying to increase the amount of communication with area property owners, so they will understand how we use the fees.

York Gulch Volunteer Fire Department
Kathleen Krebs, Fire Chief, reported that volunteers are desperately needed for all positions. She discussed some of the benefits of maintaining an active volunteer fire department in the Gulch, and the benefits of being a volunteer. She reported that she has received several applications.

Old Business

Central City Pipeline
Dave Gallaher updated everyone on the status of the Central City Pipeline/Eureka Valley Development. He outlined the history of the project, and explained York Gulch concerns.

Dave again said he felt items such as the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) that will need to be done on the Eureka Ranch project would be as much of a deterrent to the pipeline as the Clear Creek Commissioners. He felt throwing as many expensive road blocks in the way would be the most effective tactic.

York Gulch Road Expansion
Dave repeated that possible damage to York Gulch Road from increased traffic, as well as from pipeline construction should be emphasized. He emphasized the potential impact of passage or failure of the Southern Access Road, being voted on this November. Due to increased costs and business failures in Central City, passage of a bond issue seems unlikely.

Since York Gulch Road is closer to Eureka Valley than the Southern Access Road would be, even if the Southern Access Rd passes, expansion plans could continue with the idea of forcing Clear Creek to upgrade YG Rd. Dave said he felt this was the chief reason for Central's insistence on the York Gulch pipeline.

Open Road Policy from the County
Dave explained the recently passed Open Road Policy from the Clear Creek County Commissioners. A discussion followed about the impact the policy had already had on Spring Gulch Road. [This was the trail running from Doane's house on York Gulch Road to the wetlands located east of Battalle's mine.] A road was illegally created by repeatedly driving a four-wheel drive vehicle over the old wagon trail. Numerous large fallen trees were taken out, and small trees and shrubs were removed as well.

Briefly, the County Commissioners passed a policy last year stating that Public Historical roads cannot be closed at the landowner's discretion if they have been in recent public use. The original case involved a property owner in the Chicago Creek area who didn't want to grant access for the building of a transmission tower. The road in question was an old mining road, and nearby residents had been using it for many years. The new policy grants the Commissioners the right to determine what roads are covered.

It has been reported that at least one Idaho Springs realtor has been telling clients to just drive a four wheel vehicle across anything resembling a trail, and the county commissioners will make it a road.

Need for a Road Master Plan
Dave pointed out that every old wagon trail used to access someone's claim, or cow path going across a meadow could become a road under this policy. The association would then have to permit and maintain the road. This is particularly true if unscrupulous people clear the debris and drive over the trails.

Dave suggested we need to formulate a master plan dealing with abandoned roads in the Gulch. This can be presented to the Clear Creek Commissioners. We need to determine how long a road needs to be abandoned before it is no longer a road.

The Board will set up a meeting with Commissioner JoAnne Sorensen to discuss our concerns, and hopefully formulate a road master plan for the area.

The following people volunteered for a Road committee to help formulate an initial plan:
   Bob & Carol Doane
   Larry Kramer
   Marci Bowman
   Martha Ramsey

Small Claims Act - Group status
Dave brought a map, and everyone who was interested in purchasing adjacent land now owned by the Forest Service marked the land on the map. Dave urged purchase of land along roads to make large scale development of open space less practical.

Cost for surveys, title work, reports etc. is expected to cost between $3500 to $5000 an acre, and the land itself is currently running about $3500 an acre. Contact Dave or the Forest Service for rules covering the purchases.

County Zoning of Unzoned BLM & FS Lands
Dave reminded everyone of the upcoming Planning commission meeting regarding unzoned BLM and Forest Service lands. He urged attendance. (See Web site for updated information.)

City/Town of York Gulch
Dave gave a report on his initial findings regarding a possible home rule town of York Gulch. This has been broached as a possibility due to the issues of the proposed pipeline, electrification of the Gulch, and major increase in traffic and improvements to, York Gulch Road. Dave contacted the city of Ward which is similar in size and setting.

Why we would consider
  • confine level of improvements to York Gulch Road
  • preservation of the character of the area
  • resolve issues of inaccessiblee claims
  • resolve issues of Forest Service and BLM lands
Potential down sides
  • lots of work
  • costs are unknown (don't know what the mill levy will be in the future)
  • need to pay for any county services such as police
  • do we trust ourselves?
Some facts and figures we do know
  • need forty signatures on a petition
  • need money to cover the costs of an election
  • would need to organize and hold an election
  • home rule city must have 150 residents (with over 60 homes occupied full time, we should be close)
Dave said the City of Ward has a total budget of $36,000. Monies are obtained from property taxes, car fees and sales taxes. The state pays for most road maintenance. Police protection is provided by four volunteers and a town marshal. The town had two employees, a bookkeeper, and water department employee.

A committee was formed to research and consider the town idea:
  Dave Gallaher
Bill Sanders
Craig Wandrey
Laurie Beckel
Bob Musemechi
Martha Ramsey

Web Site (www.scribble-count.com/GCCHLA/)
Dave thanked Bill Sanders and Marci Bowman for their work on the GCCHLA Web site, and for hosting the page on their company's site.

Pine Beetle Tree Kills
Dave reported that a total of nine infected trees were treated in the Red Tail Ridge/Saddle Drive area.. He thanked Bill Sanders for all his work. Bill thanked Bob Musemechi, Todd and Amina Morrison, Craig Wandrey, Larry and Yvonne Kramer, and Marci Bowman. Bill reported the remaining insecticide was used, so we suspect Otto Van Geet made good use of it in the Big Meadow area.

Marci reported that four trees on their property appear to be infected by the most recent beetle flight. They are all trees weakened by heavy equipment installing the leach field. She reminded everyone to watch their trees for signs of infection, and mark them somehow to check in the spring. Bill said the trees won't need to be cut and treated until next spring.

Welcome Pamphlet
Marci said the Welcome pamphlets are ready unless someone wants to make changes. She will bring a final copy for approval by the board to the next meeting.

Road Grading Status
A brief discussion was held regarding the upcoming fall road grading. The consensus was that bids will be taken for next year's road grading. The board will set minimumm standards for experience, insurance etc. and a bid process will be set up after talking to Road Boss Charlie Koopman. Dave will write up a standard contract.

New Business

Road Grading Contract
Several people will help Dave work on a road grading contract so we can request bids in the spring. Dave urged any one who is interested to contact him with ideas.

Loss of our Fire Chief...Say it ain't so...
Dave announced that Kathleen Krebs is in the process of moving, and would no longer be our Fire Chief. She said she can continue on an interim basis, but we really need local volunteers. It is a necessary and worthwhile undertaking, and if we don't have local volunteers, we could lose our status with county. This would seriously impact fire insurance rates.

Driveway permits FS and County regulations
Dave reported a lack of consistency between the driveway regulations of Clear Creek county, and those of the Forest Service. He suggested we need to get clarification from both for a more consistent approach.

Yvonne reminded everyone the mailing address for correspondence (and dues!) for GCCHLA is PO Box 237, Idaho Springs 80452.

Election results

The following people were elected to the GCCHLA Board of Directors for 1999-2000:
  Marci Bowman & Bill Sanders
Mark & Beth Fowler
Dave & Judy Gallaher
Carla & Neil Littlefield
Wayne & Judy Hays
Chris & Gail Johnson
Craig Wandrey
Otto & Kelly VanGeet
Larry & Yvonne Kramer
Steve Peters
Arlan Crane

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held Tues., Oct. 19, in the home of Larry and Yvonne Kramer, 688 Alpine Way.
Rev. 13-May-00
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